
Home Is In Sight

All your positive energy, good food, prayers, donations and well wishes are working! I'm so grateful! My incision and pressure sore have been healing up fast and it looks like I will be leaving for home sooner than the doctor projected! Hopefully sometime in the next week. Glad for that. Pretty boring here since I'm the only one on the unit under 80 and I'm not allowed to wheel any further than the parking lot.

Dr. Grant came in on Friday for a post-op check up and sent me for some x-rays. He said that everything is looking like he envisioned. My spine is still pretty fragile and far from being fused together but is heading in the right direction.

I pretty much breezed thru physical and occupational therapies. Because of the strict movement restrictions they have run out of things to do with me. Past experience has helped also. I can dress myself, turn from side to side and get in and out of bed now. Still working with my new center of balance. Finally got the okay to take a shower after two weeks. Oh man! I can't even explain how amazing it felt. Had to shampoo my hair a few times to get out all the grease! I think I stayed in there until all the hot water in the hospital was gone. I'm reminded once again to appreciate all the little things one takes for granted. Seems to be a reoccuring theme in my life.

So what happens when I get home? The doctor will be ordering a hospital bed for me to use in my house since I can't sit up on my own and I will be very restricted in my movement for a few weeks yet. He will also be ordering home health, physical and occupational therapies, and nurse to keep me going at home. The doctor will take some more x-rays at week 6 and possibly lift some of the movement restrictions then. So I am still far from being back to normal but making the next big step soon. My mom has extended her trip and will be with me for about another 10 days and thru the transition.

Looking forward to being back in the clean mountain air, eating Outer Aisle Food again and playing with my favorite buddy Burton! And all of you too of course! Thanks a million for everything!


My location (hopefully for not much longer) is: 1111 E Stanley Blvd, Livermore, CA 94550. Room 301. Land line is: 925.373.4060 that will connect you to the nurse station and they can send you to the room. My cell works too. They keep me pretty busy so if I miss you I will get back when I can.

Donations for medical costs and healthy meals instead of flowers/gifts would be appreciated. I have set up a link to PayPal where you can donate. (You don't need to have a PayPal account) Here is the link:


  1. You sound like you are in good spirits. Keep it up. Happy to hear your mom will be staying while you get settle at home. You have my support and prayers. Just take things day by day. God bless and keep you.
    All my love,

  2. Hi Char,
    I'm so glad to hear that you are doing well. You have been in my thoughts and prayers. I live close to Livermore so I'm going to try to stop by to visit you this week.
    Diana Alfonso
    (Lana's photo assistant)

  3. hugs and love. I love your spirit. It must be pretty exhausting and overwhelming, but I know you will be much better off once the healing takes place. YOur home and Burton are a waiting for ya... as well as all of us. I will try to help as I can.
    Right now.. I want to pay for Burton's dog food...while in BV care. That is one small way to contribute. I love that guy. almost as much as you. hee hee. you know I love you. Char... keep up the good work. SO GLAD you got a shower from heaven. It is true... small things of joy are the best. You smell better too. I think I know how that is... after I went thru that broken leg /cast for months issue. tiny compared to what you go through, but I can identify. Come home when it is good, not before. Take advantage of all the help/rehab you can get.
    will be here on our end to help you out, dear one. xo

  4. Hi, Char

    Glad to hear the good news about your recovery. Loved the shower story.

    Was hoping to be in Murphys when you return, but will be traveling. Will get in touch when I'm back, see what I can do to help.

    Love, Greg & Kim

  5. Char,
    News of your recent surgery came from Julie Moore (Soroptimist
    from Calaveras County). We all remember your remarkable graphics
    skills when you helped us during past Festival of Trees events.
    Your email and health updates has been shared with all our members.
    Many prayers and positive thoughts come from us to you.
    Chyrl Hillis, Sunshine Committee - Soroptimists

  6. Char-

    Sounds like a little tiny light in sight that might be the end of the tunnel. Glad to hear it.

    Burton called me today and said he'd like you home as soon as possible. He didn't want to hear about a lot of stuff he just wants you home.

    Say hi to mom.

