

Only a few more days till surgery. I'm ready. I'm as prepared as I can be to increase all the odds of success. The video will tell you about the plan that is in place so far. My parents flew out to me by my side. We will leave for San Francisco on the 27th and have a hotel a few blocks from the hospital. We are scheduled to meet with Dr. Berven that night. Then I will be going to UCSF 6:00am on the 28th for surgery. It will take all of the day. I am going to try and have my mother post updates on Facebook. Thank you all so much for getting me here in such a positive place. I'll see you all on the other side STRAIGHT UP!

If you would like to make a donation you can go to:
www.gofundme.com/charvine or

If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation for 2016 you can donate here: www.helphopelive.org/campaign/12154

If you shop Arbonne’s responsibly sourced, vegan, GMO-free, gluten-free, pure, safe and beneficial products, Char will get a percentage of any sale from:

To donate direct, or if you want to donate product please email char@charvine.com



I met with Dr. Berven again at UCSF this week. We went over a long list of questions and concerns and both left feeling we had a lot to think about. He has decided on 2 separate surgeries. The first will be through my back where he will take out old and install new hardware fusing my spine to my pelvis. Then we would wait till I’m feeling alive again, about 6 months. Then the second surgery where he will take the considerable risk of going thru my front to install a cage into the hole left from the disintegrated bones. He will also clean out all of the calcification that has grown in my hips and my spine from the hematomas and loculated fluid pockets. And then he can also tweak the hardware from the first surgery if he needs to. I guess separating the surgeries will give my body a better chance of healing and growing bone when they implant the cage. He didn’t believe my hips were of much concern and felt that if they became an issue then it could be handled after the back surgeries. He had not gathered his team yet for surgery so it’s likely that the surgery date will change. Things are still a bit up in the air. Super hard news to hear, as I’m really not looking forward to getting cut up once let alone twice but I have to believe it’s for the best outcome. In life, there is no real safety except for self-belief.

There was some bright light beaming through all this heavy! You all have raised over $20,000 to help me get upright! I’m so inspired to do all I can to make this work. It is so freaking amazing! It so relieving. It’s so humbling. Please keep it coming! We have increased the needed amount due to the added surgery. I can’t thank everyone enough for all the love in all the forms that is being sent my way. I can’t express how much it’s needed to get thru this and how deeply it’s appreciated. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!

If you want to donate to my cause:
or https://paypal.me/charvine
If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation:
If you shop Arbonne’s sustainably sourced, vegan, GMO-free, gluten-free, clean products, Char will get a % of sale:
If you want to donate direct or product email: