
Why Did I Sign Up For This??

Well compared to where I am now, the last hospital was like club med! I got moved to a rehab in Livermore last night. As they wheeled me thur the basement dirty water from dry rotted old ceiling dropped onto my face as the lights flickered on and off. Straight out of a horror movie. Not a good first impression...fortunately the third floor is a bit brighter than the basement... an antique straight out of the 50's which I would love in any other circumstance but for my health care. They did give me my own room which was newly painted 12 hours before I got there so at least I've been getting high on the paint fumes. So far time here has been quite difficult. The care has been very unknowledgeable about SCI and even about simple routine procedures. Most don't speak english or pretend not too. I have to fight the nurses for everything. Some doctor that has never met me wrote a perscription that they are only to let me to pee every 8 hours! I've been screaming all morning to meet this doctor to get him to change the order. I would like to know if he waits 8 hours inbetween peeing! So not in very good spirits right now.
Wish I had some boxing gloves!!

On a more positive note.... I have been getting up in a wheelchair for the last 3 days. I'm only able to sit up for about a half an hour at a time before I feel like I have to vomit but it's something. And everyday it gets a bit better and longer. They took the steri strips off my back but still have the incision all taped up. It ended up being about a 10" incision right down the center and then another one lower down about 3". Still pretty painful especially transferring but getting better everyday too. Can't wait to be all healed up and back at it!

My mother got to me on Friday, really good to have family here and someone cheering on my team. She has been so patient and understanding with me as always. I'm lucky! Been having lots of visitors which has been keeping my spirits high and reminding me that there is reason to push forward. Thanks all for making the trip!

So my new location is: 1111 E Stanley Blvd, Livermore, CA 94550. In room 301. Land line is: 925.373.4060 that will connect you to the nurse station and they can send you to the room. My cell works too. They keep me pretty busy so don't be upset if I don't get back right awayl

Still trying to get moved to rehab in Valley Medical in San Jose since they have a whole wing dedicated to spinal cord injury but they would not take me because of my pressure sore which has gotten quite bit worse since being under the hospital's care (???).

Well that is about it for now. That should bring everyone up to date. Thanks again for all the support! I've been reading everything and it helps for sure! Lots of love and hugs!



Mid Life Spine Tune Up

Well... what I thought was a quick in and out disc replacement surgery has taken a turn into a more complex operation. After reviewing my MRI the Dr. says I have a charcot spine. Which means multiple vertebrae that were not fused are now displaced and due to the hardware that was put in 11 years ago. The displaced vertebra are pressing against my spinal cord and pinching nerves below the injury level causing nerve damage so the area needs to be cleaned out, repaired and fused. I also have one disc that has just been completely destroyed which will need to be replaced and another disc that is severely herniated which will be removed and replaced. In order to get all this new hardware in I guess they are taking out a portion of the old stuff and will extend the fusion another 2 vertebrae lower than before. The doctor feels that my body has been experiencing mass amounts of pain and stress because of these things and by fixing them and straightening out my spine I will be relieved of a lot of pain and discomfort that I have come to think was normal for my injury. Keeping my fingers crossed!

So it's hard to say exactly how long the healing process will take but the Dr.'s best guess is around 2-4 weeks. The first part is surgery at ValleyCare Hospital in Pleasanton. I will be there around 7 days. Then if/when I rehab it will be back at Valley Medical in San Jose. I will try and keep everyone posted as to what is happening along the way.

I will be leaving Murphys this Monday at about 2 in the morning. Surgery will start Monday at 5am at:
ValleyCare Hospital
5555W. Las Positas
Pleasanton, CA 94588

As far as help...

My mother will be flying in on the 27th for at least a week . If anyone knows of a home/room in Pleasanton or close to there where she might be able to stay please call or email me. Right now she will be staying in a hotel which adds up.

Jeff and Jacquie have Burton up in Bear Valley for the first few weeks. There are a lot of BV people that have also offered to watch Burton if recovery tends to be long. So he is well taken care of.

I'm sure I will need help once I return home but that is too far away to know exactly what I will need so I will keep everyone posted about that.

If you want to monetarily help that would be great. I have set up a link to PayPal where you can donate. (You don't have to have a PayPal account) Donations for healthy meals instead of flowers/gifts would be appreciated since hospital food sucks! Here is the link:

I just want to extend my deepest gratitude to all of you that have offered help, well wishes and prayers. I feel so loved and lucky to have such an amazing support system around me. I could not do this without all of you. You are all amazing and I send hugs and love out to everyone!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

I'll see ya on the other side!  xoxo